Collection: Taurus Birthstone

Taurus birthstone jewelry collection featuring bracelets & necklaces created with the Taurus birthstone range. Energetically protective gemstones that are perfect for Taurus babies and those born under the constellation of Taurus.

Explore CRUE jewelry constructed from a selection of the most beneficial Taurus birthstones: lapis lazuli, rose quartz, tiger eye, and topaz.

Taurus Birthstones

Lapis Lazuli

For Leadership

Enhance your leadership skills and your inner power with this Taurus birthstone. Let's awaken your potentia

Rose Quartz

For Bond

Connected to the heart chakra, Rose Quartz improves or calls upon relationships, from romantic love to self-love. This Taurus birthstone brings about a deep sense of compassion and care and assists in healing deep emotional wounds.

Tiger Eye

For Grounding

Ward off negativity and enhance your stability, Tiger Eye fosters clear thinking and tranquility. It's also renowned for alleviating anxiety and promoting restful sleep!


For Energy

Banish negativity and ignite your inner vitality with Topaz. This Taurus birthstone illuminates clarity and serenity while boosting your energy levels. Say goodbye to fatigue and embrace a renewed sense of vigor and focus!