Collection: November Birthstone

November birthstone collection featuring the most energetically harmonious November birthstone range: citrine and lemon quartz. 

Explore bracelets & necklace created with an November birthstone selection. Perfect for November babies searching for birthstone jewelry!

November Birthstones


For Prosperity

Known as the Merchant's Stone, Citrine is a secret weapon in the world of business or simply in attracting exactly what you need and want. A great November birthstone.

Lemon Quartz

For Optimism and Joy

Bask in the golden glow of Lemon Quartz, the gemstone of optimism and joy. This vibrant crystal radiates warmth and positivity, infusing your spirit with a renewed sense of hope and happiness. This lovely November birthstone brightens your outlook on life and uplifts your mood, helping you to see the beauty and abundance that surrounds you. With its sunny energy, Lemon Quartz encourages you to embrace each day with enthusiasm and gratitude, filling your heart with laughter and light. Let the sparkling essence of this November birthstone awaken your inner spark and ignite a sense of joy that illuminates your path forward.