Collection: January Birthstone

January birthstone collection featuring the most energetically harmonious January birthstone range: garnet, rhodochrosite and rhodolite.

Explore bracelets & necklace created with a January birthstone selection. Perfect for January babies searching for birthstone jewelry!

January Birthstones


For Passion

Fuel your inner fire with Garnet, the stone of passion and vitality. This vibrant gemstone clears away negativity, infusing you with renewed energy and enthusiasm for life's adventures. Dive deep into your desires and embrace your true passions with the empowering energy of this January birthstone by your side.


For Self-Love

Embrace the gentle embrace of Rhodochrosite, the gemstone of self-love and compassion. This exquisite January birthstone crystal radiates warmth and tenderness, inviting you to deepen your connection with yourself and others. With its nurturing energy, Rhodochrosite helps heal emotional wounds and cultivates acceptance, encouraging you to embrace your true essence with love and kindness. Allow Rhodochrosite to awaken your heart to the beauty of self-love, empowering you to live authentically and joyfully.


For Passionate Pursuits

Channel your inner drive with Rhodolite, the gemstone of passionate pursuits and creative endeavors. This captivating crystal ignites the flames of inspiration, infusing you with renewed energy and enthusiasm for your goals. With its vibrant energy, this January birthstone empowers you to pursue your dreams with courage and determination, guiding you towards success and fulfillment. Embrace the dynamic energy of Rhodolite as you embark on your journey towards greatness, and let its fiery spirit propel you forward towards your aspirations.