Collection: Capricorn Birthstone

Capricorn birthstone jewelry collection featuring bracelets & necklaces created with the Capricorn birthstone range. Energetically protective gemstones that are perfect for Capricorn babies and those born under the constellation of Capricorn.

Explore CRUE jewelry constructed from a selection of the most beneficial Capricorn birthstones: garnet, onyx, lapis, blue lace agate, rose quartz & tiger eye.

Capricorn Birthstones


For Passion

Ignite your inner fire with Garnet, the stone of passion and vitality. This bold Capricorn birthstone gem sweeps away negativity, infusing you with renewed energy and enthusiasm for life. Dive deep into your desires and embrace your true passions with the empowering energy of Garnet by your side.


For Strength

Harness the power of Onyx to repel negativity and fortify your inner strength. This steadfast gemstone cultivates mental clarity and emotional resilience, offering protection against stress and anxiety. Embrace the grounding energy of Onyx and stand firm in your personal power!

Lapis Lazuli

For Leadership

Enhance your leadership skills and your inner power with this Capricorn birthstone. Let's awaken your potential.

Blue Lace Agate

For Uplift

It helps you to let go of past traumas and relieves emotional exhaustion by soothing you so you don't feel drained or overwhelmed. If you're always giving care to others, it is time to bring Blue Lace Agate into your life.

Rose Quartz

For Bond

Connected to the heart chakra, Rose Quartz improves or calls upon relationships, from romantic love to self-love. This Capricorn birthstone brings about a deep sense of compassion and care and assists in healing deep emotional wounds

Tiger Eye

For Grounding

Ward off negativity and enhance your stability, Tiger Eye fosters clear thinking and tranquility. It's also renowned for alleviating anxiety and promoting restful sleep!