Collection: July Birthstone

July birthstone collection featuring the most energetically harmonious July birthstone range: rhodochrosite and orange chalcedony.

Explore bracelets & necklace created with a July birthstone selection. Perfect for July babies searching for birthstone jewelry!

July Birthstones


For Self-Love

Embrace the gentle embrace of Rhodochrosite, the gemstone of self-love and compassion. This exquisite crystal radiates warmth and tenderness, inviting you to deepen your connection with yourself and others. With its nurturing energy, this July birthstone helps heal emotional wounds and cultivates acceptance, encouraging you to embrace your true essence with love and kindness. Allow Rhodochrosite to awaken your heart to the beauty of self-love, empowering you to live authentically and joyfully.

Orange Chalcedony

For Stability

Let's tackle fear-based thinking and radiate light onto positivity. A powerful July birthstone.