Collection: February Birthstone

February birthstone collection featuring the most energetically harmonious February birthstone range: amethyst and lavender milky amethyst.

Explore bracelets & necklace created with a February birthstone selection. Perfect for February babies searching for birthstone jewelry!

February Birthstones


For Protection

Shoo all negativities, this February birthstone brings clarity and calmness to you, and also helps with insomnia!

Lavender Milky Amethyst

For Tranquility and Spiritual Connection

Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of Lavender Milky Amethyst, a gemstone that radiates tranquility and fosters spiritual connection. This enchanting crystal combines the calming properties of lavender with the spiritual wisdom of amethyst, creating a harmonious blend that uplifts the soul and soothes the mind. Allow this February birthstone to envelop you in its gentle energy, guiding you towards inner peace and a deeper connection to the divine. With its tranquil presence, this exquisite gemstone invites you to explore the depths of your spirituality and find solace in the beauty of the universe.